에코스위츠의 새로운 소식을 전합니다
에너지 절약 #3. - 햇빛을 저장하는 전등
글쓴이 Jejueco 날짜16-06-23 23:11 조회1,318 댓글0본문
정원에 에코~한 전등을 몇 개 설치했습니다. 낮 동안 비추는 햇빛을 모아서 저녁에 자동으로 반딧불처럼 빛을 내요. 은은한 조명이 멋들어진 정원 분위기를 만들어주네요. 태양열을 이용하니까 저렴한데다가, 유지보수도 쉬워요. 나무나 돌 이나 어느 곳에든 별도의 전선 없이 편하게 설치할 수 있답니다. ^^
We installed several garden solar lights, which recharge during the day, at dusk they turn on automatically and remain illuminated overnight. Solar lights are easily installed and maintained, and provide a cheaper alternative to wired lamps. You can easily attach garden lights to any wooden or concrete surface, no need any extra power line.
We installed several garden solar lights, which recharge during the day, at dusk they turn on automatically and remain illuminated overnight. Solar lights are easily installed and maintained, and provide a cheaper alternative to wired lamps. You can easily attach garden lights to any wooden or concrete surface, no need any extra power line.