에코스위츠의 새로운 소식을 전합니다
Eco-Story #1. - 재활용 쓰레기통 ^^
글쓴이 Jejueco 날짜16-06-23 23:06 조회994 댓글0본문
정원에 새로 만든 쓰레기통! 페인트통을 재활용한 에코스타일~ 입니다.
here are some ideas for your about recycled paintpots. just a bit of design and you can convert them to stylish trash bins:)) that what we use in our garden, the wood is also recycled, left from interior works ~.
here are some ideas for your about recycled paintpots. just a bit of design and you can convert them to stylish trash bins:)) that what we use in our garden, the wood is also recycled, left from interior works ~.