Jejueco Suites & Tours News

SubjectIMAGES OF RABBIT ISLET: 12/07/20022016-07-01 15:30:17

original date of upload: 12.07.2002

Korean name: Nando or Thokkisom
Islet name origin: The island takes on the image of a rabbit in summer when it is covered with Munjuran flowers in full bloom

- the only habitat of Munjuran in Korea (Crinum asiaticum bar, japonica baker), which grows in the sand, it's seeds are spread by the sea current
- near the Islet squid eggs and small coral fish can often be observed while snorkeling in shallow waters

Location: about 8 km from Ilchulbong by coastal road in the direction of Jeju City.
How to get there: walking by lava stones and a shallow water pass during low tide