Shaman rituals for the beginning of spring.
Today, the 4th of February in Korean is called "Ipchun", the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar. On this day people of Jeju Island held "Ipchun-gut" which is a Shaman ritual dating back to the first kingdom on Jeju called Thamna.??
On Ipchun a spring welcoming sign in Chinese characters is hung on gates or walls and all speak and act with great discretion. If anything is carried out of the house, it is believed that the family riches will be reduced and roots of barley are pulled to predict a rich or poor harvest for the year.
Nowadays "Ipchun-gut" is still a big event in Jeju Island and here are some pictures from Shaman ritual and Mask Dance performance which took place today.
Shaman wishing safety and plentiful catches for the women divers and fishermen of Jeju.
The cow symbolises the wishes for plentiful harvest of farmers, this wooden cow was brought here from the center of Jeju city the day before.
Colorful flags with dragons, tigers, etc.
After shaman rituals starts the mask dance with several stories of countryside life.