Getting around


Getting around


Transportation from Incheon International Airport
The easiest way is to take a bus, you can take a bus to any part of Seoul at the arrival level of the Passenger Terminal. Information and tickets are available at the transportation information desks.

Transportation from Incheon International Airport to Domestic Gimpo Airport

It takes about 40 min to go from International to Domestic Airport
– Transportation by bus:
– Transportation by taxi:

Transportation from Gimpo Airport to Seoul

Seoul Subway:

The subway is the most efficient and convenient way for foreign travelers to get around in Seoul. Station names, ticket counters, and transfer signs are all clearly marked in English, and all trains have announcements in English and Korean.
Taxis are plentiful, clean, safe and relatively inexpensive in Korea. There are taxi stands in most of the city areas, and taxis can also be hailed on the streets and at taxi stands. In some places you can simply ask local people “Call taxi”, and they will request taxi by phone to come to the place where you are.
Most taxi drivers do not speak English, so it is advisable to tell him or her the names of the different landmarks (e.g. major hotels or attractions) near your destination.
Vacant taxis have red indicator lamps in front of the front passenger seat and on the roof.
Deluxe taxis are black with a yellow sign on the top and “Deluxe Taxi” written on the sides are more expensive than regular taxis.

For more information please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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